It’s important to consider all the possible effects of abortion before making your choice for your unplanned pregnancy. We know it’s not easy to decide, and we are here to help you get clarity about your options. You are not alone. Along with physical effects, there...
Realizing you are pregnant can be a scary and daunting moment. If you are a student, it may quickly be followed by the next question of “What will my parents think?” Before anything else, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Thankfully, there are local...
Wondering if you might be pregnant? The waiting stage before you take a pregnancy test can be the scariest part of the process, especially with an unplanned pregnancy. Fear and anxiety are normal emotions to have during this time. Early signs of pregnancy can be a...
A positive pregnancy test can cause your mind to spin as you think about what to do next. It can be overwhelming, we get it! That’s why we’re here to provide you with accurate information to help in your decision-making process. Keep reading to learn about the...
Positive pregnancy tests can cause our minds to spin as our future flashes before our eyes. If you’re in this position, we can help you move forward. At Women’s Care Center, we provide free and confidential services, resources, and information on all your options. One...