Confirmation Ultrasound

Our Medical Services

Over 1/2 of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned. We understand that taking a pregnancy test can cause fear, anxiety, and stress. We are here to help you as you process these emotions. Our services are free of charge, confidential, and available to anyone regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, income or religious affiliation.

Pregnancy Services
Pre-Termination Consultation
STD Testing and Treatment

Women’s Care Center strives for excellence in meeting all standard medical practices.

Confirmation Ultrasound
Women's Care Center icon

Informed Reproductive Health Care



3007 Dudley Avenue Parkersburg, WV 26104

Our services are free and confidential. Our center offers accurate information through pregnancy options education. We do not provide or refer any patient for abortion services. The information on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice. We staff licensed healthcare professionals who will meet with you and discuss your individual needs.

© 2024 Women's Care Center. All Rights Reserved.