In School or College and Need Help?
Timing is everything! If you are pregnant and in college or high school, you may need our help. Unplanned pregnancy is difficult no matter when it happens. First, we want you to know our services are free and no insurance or payment is needed. Second, your visit is confidential. You have the right to seek medical care regardless of your age. Every situation is unique and your circumstances are yours alone. We inform and you decide.
Nearby Colleges and High Schools.
Looking for directions to our clinic? If you are looking for abortion information near you, just click on your school to get directions directly to the Women’s Care Center.
Local High Schools:
Informed Reproductive Health Care
Our services are free and confidential. Our center offers accurate information through pregnancy options education. We do not provide or refer any patient for abortion services. The information on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice. We staff licensed healthcare professionals who will meet with you and discuss your individual needs.
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