Did you miss your period this month? Does something just feel off in your body?

There are many different reasons you might think you’re pregnant. While taking a pregnancy test is the first step toward finding out, there are signs to look out for that may indicate pregnancy.

Read on to learn more about the early signs of pregnancy. Or, if you’re looking for complimentary pregnancy testing, reach out to Women’s Care Center today to schedule your appointment.

1. Missed Period

A missed period is one of the most significant signs of pregnancy, especially if your menstrual cycle is regular. However, some women may experience light spotting or implantation bleeding around the time their period is due. This is caused by the fertilized egg attaching to the uterine lining and is often mistaken for a light period.

If you’ve missed a period, there is a likely chance you’re pregnant. However, it’s important to note that other health conditions and stress can also cause a missed period, which is why it’s essential to take a pregnancy test if your period was absent this month.

2. Nausea With/Without Vomiting

Nausea with/without vomiting, commonly referred to as morning sickness, can start as early as two weeks after conception. It doesn’t just occur in the morning; nausea with/without vomiting can strike at any time of day and range from mild discomfort to severe vomiting.

3. Breast Changes

One of the first noticeable signs of pregnancy is breast tenderness or swelling. Hormonal changes cause your breasts to become more sensitive, and your areolas may darken and enlarge as your body prepares for breastfeeding.

4. Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom of early pregnancy caused by increased progesterone levels. Your body is working hard to support the growing pregnancy, which can make you feel unusually tired, even if you’re getting enough sleep.

5. Frequent Urination

Early in pregnancy, your blood volume increases, which can cause your kidneys to work harder to filter your blood. This causes you to urinate more often, and this symptom may continue as the growing uterus puts additional pressure on your bladder.

6. Food Aversions and Cravings

Changes in taste and smell are common during pregnancy. You might find yourself suddenly disliking foods you once enjoyed or craving new ones. Hormonal changes cause these shifts, and they can occur early on.

7. Mood Swings

Hormonal fluctuations can affect your mood, making you feel more emotional, irritable, or sensitive than usual. If you feel like you’re riding an emotional rollercoaster, there’s a chance you might be pregnant—especially if other pregnancy signs accompany this symptom.

Receive Complimentary Pregnancy Testing

While these signs can all point to pregnancy, other health conditions can cause them as well. This is why it’s important to receive pregnancy testing as soon as possible.

Women’s Care Center offers complimentary pregnancy testing and a safe space to ask questions and receive information. Contact us today to schedule your appointment. We understand what you’re going through and are here for you.