Pregnant and Searching for Options?
Think you might be pregnant? Scared to let anyone know? You weren’t expecting to be pregnant? We get it! That’s probably why you’re on the internet searching for where to go and looking for options. Whenever we are unsure, we always search the internet to find solutions.
We get it. But, while the internet is helpful, it can’t meet all our needs. That is why we are here!
Did you know that HALF of all pregnancies are not planned? And that over 2 million women get pregnant every year in the United States. So, you are definitely NOT alone in this process! We at Women’s Care Center employ licensed, medical professionals who can educate you about all of your options.
It is our goal to put your mind at ease by answering some of the most recent and frequent questions women, like you, have been typing into their phones in the Parkersburg, WV area. But before scheduling an appointment, we want to let you know what to expect.
Here is what you can expect from your appointment:
1.) At Women’s Care Center you will receive confidentiality.
We’re here for YOU. When you make an appointment with us, you don’t have to worry that anyone else could find out about what services you’re evaluating. Everything you share with us is strictly confidential. Any medical services you receive: pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD/STI testing, etc. are completely confidential. We do everything we can to protect your privacy. From the moment you contact our women’s center, our highly-trained staff will accommodate your specific needs for privacy and communication.
2.) You won’t need an adult or parent with you if you’re considering abortion in Parkersburg.
Again, we’re here for YOU. If you’re a minor, you can come by yourself. We can help you get all the information you need to make an informed decision, assess the situation and decide your next steps. Whatever YOU need! If you are a student, please be sure to mention this when scheduling your appointment. Since we are a non-profit organization you will never be pressured by our staff to make any decision regarding pregnancy or abortion. Our goal is to be a safe place for you as you obtain all the necessary facts to make the BEST decision for you and your future. You can’t receive medical services or compassionate ears on the internet, which is why we are here for you!
3.) Cost.
This is the best part – not for us, but for YOU! Why? Because ALL of our services are FREE. You don’t have to worry about someone accidentally finding out from your insurance provider that you received services at our private women’s center. Next to the high-quality and compassionate care we offer, it’s probably our best asset.
So, take a deep breath. Know that we at Women’s Care Center are here for YOU. You don’t have to walk this journey alone. We are pro-woman! Our services are available to every woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy who is considering abortion in the Parkersburg, West Virginia area. Why not Schedule your appointment today!