You should have the facts in hand before making a pregnancy decision. Abortion is a major medical procedure with potential risks that you must be aware of when weighing your options.

Women’s Care Center Parkersburg provides a complimentary abortion information consultation so you can make an informed decision. Schedule an appointment today to learn more.

Understanding the Risks

When you have an abortion, you are terminating your pregnancy. Depending on how far along you are (your gestational age), you might have a medical abortion or surgical abortion.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion uses drugs to end a pregnancy and is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation. When you take mifepristone and misoprostol, you’ll experience abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding.

Sometimes, risks can occur, including:

  • Seeing embryonic parts expelled
  • An incomplete abortion (this happens when there is pregnancy tissue remaining in the uterus, and it may require surgical treatment)
  • An ongoing pregnancy (if the drugs don’t work); misoprostol may cause birth defects
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding; 1% of women need a D&C to stop hemorrhaging
  • Digestive system discomfort (i.e., upset stomach); diarrhea; abdominal pain
  • Fever/chills
  • Infection

You may feel unwell or notice concerning symptoms after taking abortion drugs. If you have any of the following, you should seek immediate medical attention:

  • Heavy bleeding — soaking two or more pads an hour for two hours in a row
  • Bad pain in the stomach area or pelvis
  • Chills or body aches
  • Fast heart rate
  • Fever that lasts more than four hours or that starts in the days after you take misoprostol
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge

Surgical Abortion

A provider will use drugs, surgical tools, and/or suctioning during a surgical abortion procedure. As with medical abortion, you’ll also have cramping and bleeding.

A surgical abortion can become more involved if your pregnancy is further along, and there are risks associated with the procedure, including:

  • Incomplete abortion
  • Infection
  • Perforated uterus (this happens when a surgical instrument pokes a hole in the uterus)
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall (this can lead to painful periods or infertility)
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Allergic reaction to medications

There are certain signs to watch for to protect your health. If you notice any of the following, you should also seek medical help:

  • Bleeding that’s heavy enough that you need to change pads every hour
  • Lasting dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Fever
  • Cramps lasting more than 48 hours
  • Pain that gets worse instead of better
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina

Protect Your Health and Make an Empowered Choice

There’s much to learn when weighing your pregnancy options. Women’s Care Center Parkersburg is here to help.

During an abortion information consultation, you’ll confirm a potential pregnancy with urine pregnancy testing. If the test is positive, we’ll offer a limited obstetrical ultrasound that provides key pregnancy details and helps clarify your options.

The scan can also tell you whether you have miscarried or are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy–the latter requires emergency medical treatment to protect your health.

We’ll also provide accurate information on abortion and discuss its risks and side effects. We will answer your questions, assess your reproductive health and medical history, recommend STD testing if needed, and ensure you have the facts on your options.

Our medical team is here for you. Make a complimentary, confidential appointment today.

Women’s Care Center Parkersburg does not provide or refer for abortions.